Fun and imaginative creative movement/ yoga play building upon children’s confidence and body awareness. Also involving mindfulness and relaxation.
A great time to introduce yoga and it’s many benefits to students – with skills they can carry through in the classroom and in life. Yoga will help them in self esteem, to make healthy choices and importantly to cope with stress through the breath and relaxation techniques.
I have had the pleasure of working with Jane Bevan for more than a decade, participating in her classes as she worked with various groups of teenagers. The students have come to Jane's classes with a variety of knowledge of, and attitudes to, yoga but have all left the classes with a positive attitude as well as strategies to deal with stress in their everyday lives.
Jane works very well with a wide range of teenagers, forming positive relationships that help students challenge themselves and work positively with their bodies to achieve their own goals. She has a lovely manner in class. Jane's clear instructions and demonstrations make the poses and sequences easy to follow, which adds to the enjoyment of the experiences.
I have consistently found that the teenagers emerging from Jane's classes experience a range of benefits. Personally, I find that I have always looked forward to Jane's classes, and have experienced both physical benefits (increased strength, balance and flexibility) as well as mental benefits ( decreased stress levels, increased capacity to cope with complications and a more positive attitude to the world). I strongly recommend Jane Bevan as a yoga instructor for any individual or group.